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The Business Owner’s Guide to DrySign

Vijith Menon

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in many organizations. However, manual processes still exist significantly, slowing down productivity and collaboration.

The solution lies in automating these processes, which increases efficiency and enables faster decision-making. One critical area for automation is the signing process, which can be streamlined through electronic signatures.

This blog explores the benefits of signing automation and its potential applications in various business documents.

What is Signature Automation? 

Signature automation is a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their document signing processes. This technology uses electronic and digital signatures to eliminate the need for manual signing, saving time and resources. With e-signatures, you can add a legally binding digital stamp to electronic documents, and digital signatures go a step further to authenticate the signer and the document's integrity.

Signature automation software establishes workflows, sends reminders, tracks documents, and archives signed documents. It's more secure than traditional paper-based signatures, enables remote signing, and increases efficiency by reducing turnaround times.

Using signature automation has many benefits for businesses. It saves on resources by eliminating the need for printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents. The process is also more secure than traditional paper-based signatures as digital signatures are tamper-proof, making it difficult for anyone to alter the document without detection. Additionally, it enables multiple parties to sign a document from different locations, eliminating the need for physical meetings and reducing the turnaround time for signing documents.

What are the eSignature Standards? 

Electronic signatures have revolutionized the way businesses sign and manage documents, making the process faster and more secure. In the United States, the use of electronic signatures is governed by two primary laws: the ESIGN Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).

  • ESIGN Act - The ESIGN Act, passed in 2000, is a federal law that made electronic signatures legally binding in all states and U.S. territories where federal law applies. In states where federal law doesn't apply, most have adopted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), which Congress passed in 1999. The ESIGN Act states that an electronic signature can satisfy any law requiring a signature, allowing electronically executed agreements to be presented as evidence in court. It also prohibits the denial of legal effect, validity, or enforceability of an electronically signed document solely because it's electronic. Thus, electronic signatures are legally valid and binding in most situations.

  • UETA - The UETA provides a legal framework for the use of electronic signatures in each state that has adopted it. It establishes principles that ensure electronic records and signatures are not denied legal effect or enforceability solely because they are electronic. This means that electronic signatures and records are generally considered valid and enforceable, just like their paper counterparts. For instance, electronic records can satisfy the legal requirement for a written record. However, it's worth noting that some states may exempt certain documents, such as birth certificates and wills, from these laws. It's essential to check the specific laws and regulations in your state to determine which documents can be electronically signed and which require physical signatures.

What are the requirements for an electronic signature to be valid? 

To ensure that eSignatures are valid, there are four key requirements that must be met:

  • Intention of the signer – The signer must have the intention to sign the document electronically after carefully reading it. The signer must also be given the option to decline to sign the document, which makes their intention clear.

  • Consent of all parties – All parties involved in the signing process must agree to the rules outlined in the document. Most electronic signature solutions provide the option for all parties to provide their consent electronically by digitally signing the document.

  • Attribution of the signature – The eSignature must be attributable to the signer, and this can be established through a mail trail, IP address, or time stamp. To further ensure the authenticity of the signer and the document, some solutions offer two-factor authentication.

  • Association with the signee – The electronic signature must be connected to the document being signed. This is typically achieved by integrating the signature into the document's signature field or by using signature automation software that links the signature to the document.

Meeting these requirements ensures that eSignatures are legally binding and enforceable.

Also Read: Improve Team Collaboration with eSignatures

What is DrySign? 

DrySign is a versatile and efficient online digital signature solution that offers a range of benefits for businesses of all sizes and types, whether they are established enterprises or start-ups. With DrySign, you can streamline your workflows and automate the signing process, saving time and resources. In addition, all your documents are stored securely on the cloud, giving you easy access anytime, anywhere.

One of the key advantages of DrySign is its compliance with eSignature laws, such as ESIGN and UETA. This ensures that your signed documents are legally enforceable, giving you peace of mind and protecting you from any legal issues.

DrySign also allows multiple stakeholders to sign off on documents, making it easy for teams to collaborate on important projects. With parallel workflows, you can efficiently review and approve document changes, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Facts about DrySign Business Owners Should Know 

  • Highly Flexible – Business owners can send documents to clients or partners for instant approvals. The online signature generator allows eSignatures from multiple stakeholders with its Group Sign and Bulk Upload features and helps close deals 8X faster. In addition, the documents can be read on portable devices and signed from any location at their convenience.

  • Efficient – DrySign is highly efficient in ensuring workflows are automated, and the signing process is uninterrupted. It overcomes the hassles of traditional signing methods and allows multiple stakeholders to sign simultaneously.

  • Assistive Technology – DrySign is designed with accessibility in mind and complies with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. This ensures that all signers can have an inclusive signing experience regardless of their physical abilities.

  • Privacy – Business owners can ensure their data is protected on DrySign. DrySign accounts are protected with 2-factor authentication. In addition , users can protect each document with passwords for added security, allowing only the necessary signatories access.
  • Sign-in with Web Identity – DrySign helps first-time users to sign in and create accounts with their web identities, such as Gmail. The web identity helps to confirm the identity of users in the workflow.

  • Sustainable – DrySign helps curb the use of paper and contributes to the environment. The ability to eliminate the need for paper, ink, and postage reduces the environmental impact of document signing but also results in substantial cost savings over time.

Digital signatures have become an integral part of modern business operations. Electronic signatures offer numerous benefits for businesses of all types and sizes by streamlining workflows, reducing costs, and enhancing security. As technology continues to evolve, electronic signatures will likely become even more prevalent, helping organizations to stay competitive and meet the changing needs of their customers.

Realize significant return of interest with DrySign

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is for general information purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal advice. Laws governing the subject matter may change quickly, and Exela cannot guarantee that all the information on this site is current or correct. Should you have specific legal questions about any of the information on this site, you should consult with a licensed attorney in your area.

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