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How eSignature Workflows Enable Better Productivity

Vijith Menon

Organizations are always striving for productivity to gain a competitive edge in their industry. However, achieving productivity can be challenging due to the complexity of workflows and digital organization. Employees often face frustration when juggling time-sensitive tasks and interdependent projects, which can lead to a lack of accountability and missed deadlines.

Fortunately, there is a solution in the form of eSignatures. E-signatures streamline workflows and promote efficiency, enabling organizations to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely and accountable manner, resulting in a more productive work environment. In this blog post, we will explore how e-signatures can transform workflows and increase productivity.

What is a Digital Workflow? 

In today's fast-paced digital age, businesses rely heavily on streamlined and efficient workflows to stay competitive. A digital workflow refers to a systematic sequence of tasks that work passes through regularly, often with the help of automation. This approach helps organizations automate repetitive tasks, minimize redundancies, and increase accountability. By breaking down a workflow into distinct rules, procedures, tasks, and roles, businesses can optimize their processes and ensure that work is completed efficiently. In this way, digital workflows play a vital role in enhancing organizational productivity and driving success.

Why are Workflows Important? 

Implementing workflows within an organization is crucial in providing structure and order. In addition, workflows offer several benefits to businesses, including the following:

  • Identifying Business Insights - Workflows give organizations daily insights into their processes and the people involved. They help businesses identify areas of inefficiency and opportunities for improvement, offering a clear view of the entire operation.

  • Eliminating Redundancies - Redundancies can act as barriers to task completion and waste valuable resources. Creating a workflow allows businesses to identify and eliminate redundancies, resulting in significant time and cost savings.

  • Increasing Accountability - Efficient workflows create transparency within teams, ensuring all team members understand their respective tasks and deadlines. As a result, team members are accountable for their daily tasks and work together to ensure they are completed on time.

  • Reducing Micromanagement - A clear workflow reduces the need for micromanagement, allowing stakeholders to take ownership of their tasks and complete them independently. This leads to increased productivity and improved work relationships.

  • Breaking Barriers - Workflows encourage collaboration between departments and break down silos within traditional workspaces. By sharing data in real time, workflows facilitate information dissemination and encourage cross-functional teamwork.

  • Clear Communication - Efficient communication is essential in ensuring the smooth running of processes. Workflows ensure that all communication is transparent and that all employees are on the same page, reducing the risk of misinterpreted goals and low-quality work.

  • Performance Measurement - Measuring performance provides valuable insights into what works and what doesn't. Workflows help businesses detect faults and make corrections in real-time, resulting in continuous improvement and increased efficiency.

A study by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) found that inefficient processes and workflows cost organizations an average of $7,000 per employee each year in lost productivity and missed opportunities.

How to Create a Productivity Workflow that Works Best for You 

  • Understand the Problem - Identify the specific problem you'd like to solve and take note of any roadblocks or hurdles that may impact the workflow's success. This knowledge will help you determine what elements to incorporate to ensure the workflow runs smoothly.

  • Start Small - Start with a small and manageable task to help employees adapt to the new workflow. For example, agreeing on a specific document format that is easy to follow and replicate.

  • Get Creative - Embrace creativity and explore different formats or customizations for internal processes to encourage employee engagement and cooperation during task completion. This approach can lead to improved morale and a more productive work environment.

As industries continue to undergo digital transformation worldwide, there is a pressing need to expedite existing processes. Electronic signatures, or eSignatures, offer a streamlined solution by accelerating document workflow and saving valuable time and resources. In the coming years, e-signatures will play an increasingly vital role in the digitalization of businesses. However, the question remains: how can they be effectively integrated into current workflows? In this article, we will explore the various ways in which eSignatures can be seamlessly integrated into existing workflows to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Also Read: How High-Tech Industries Benefit from eSignatures

What are eSignature Workflows? 

As more and more firms automate their document signing processes, eSignature workflows have become an increasingly popular solution. These workflows automate the signature collection process on documents, saving valuable time and resources. By implementing eSignature workflows, businesses can avoid the usual holdups associated with paper signing and processing. Additionally, eSignature workflows can accelerate the document completion rate and eliminate manual errors, making them an essential tool for businesses looking to improve efficiency and productivity.

What are the steps in an eSignature Workflow? 

An eSignature workflow is an effective tool for obtaining consent from each line of business. However, the effectiveness of eSignature workflows depends on the management of the different steps involved. Learn the ropes by following the steps given below:

  • Provide Access to Documents for Signing – It is crucial to provide access to documents that need signatures. All necessary signatories should have access to sign on the respective fields. E-mail invitations are a way to provide access, but recent technological advancements offer mobile or web applications that provide the same function.

  • Identify and Verify Signers – All signatories must prove their identity to access information within documents. Identification can consist of providing a phone number or e-mail address. Other forms include two-factor authentication and a one-time password to verify identities accurately.

  • Present Documents for Review – The next stage involves the presentation of documents. Again, an electronic signature solution like DrySign is ideal for reading electronic documents and resolving any issues the customer may have with software compatibilities.

  • Make Changes and Optimize the Process – Electronic documents make it easy to edit any errors and update documents, saving time compared to manual scanning and printing of documents.

  • Attain Signatures – Before obtaining eSignatures, the consent of all stakeholders involved is required. An eSignature implies that the signatory is ready for commitment and will honor the transaction stated within the document. An eSignature solution provider should make it easy to capture eSignatures at this stage.

  • Verify Security of Documents – Electronic documents must be secure without losing data. Electronic signatures used within the said documents should comply with ESIGN Act and UETA. Moreover, a real-time mail trail lists any modifications or changes done to documents providing an effective security measure against tampering.

  • Deliver Signed Documents – The eSignature solution delivers signed documents to all signatories involved. They can be uploaded to secure cloud storage, making it easy to access documents anytime. The signatories can access the documents by entering the same credentials in the identification stage.

How DrySign is a Viable Solution 

DrySign is an outstanding solution for businesses searching for a reliable and secure electronic signature solution. It not only adheres to international eSignature laws, but it also places a high priority on the security of its clients, using advanced security techniques to protect documents and ensure speedy approvals. By incorporating DrySign into your workflow, you can eliminate bottlenecks and expedite productivity. By choosing DrySign, you can streamline your business processes and enjoy a range of benefits that come with an efficient eSignature solution.

Choose the right workflow for your firm with DrySign.

Source: kissflow.com

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