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Seamless Remote Work with Electronic Signatures

Seamless Remote Work with Electronic Signatures

DrySign Author

Technology cannot prevent the onset of a pandemic. However, it can help prevent the spread, educate, and noticeably lessen its impact.

Due to transportation being partially or entirely shut depending on where you live, postal and courier services are impacted, delaying banking, financial, and insurance documents. With DrySign, legally binding documents can be shared, reviewed, and signed from the comfort of your home.

What is it? DrySign is Exela's electronic signature platform. With DrySign, you can send out documents and obtain signatures instantly – sans paper – making sign-off simple, super-fast, and secure. Signed documents are securely stored and searchable.

Why do you need it? The current Covid-19 crisis may be keeping most of us at home, but it has not stopped the business flow. Exela serves many essential businesses around the world, and we are committed to helping you with our electronic signature platform.

DrySign can be used to:

  • Upload documents from any device
  • Highlight where you need to sign
  • Invite signatories in any chosen order
  • Track the status of the signatures
  • Remind signatories to sign
  • Verify signatures using custom authentication
  • Store and search documents securely

Driving paperless technology during this Covid-19 pandemic helps businesses eliminate dependencies on redundant paper-based processes while saving costs and gaining more competitive advantages.

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