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Why it’s time to DrySign

Why it’s time to DrySign

Nisha Pillay

Imagine this typical scenario in any office - a particular job request (could be a procurement request or a legal document for Mergers & Acquistions, or a simple dispatch request) has to be sent out urgently within 24 hours for signatures from three people. Now the problem is that out of these three people, only one is readily available. One is traveling for a business meeting locally, and the other is in a different country and time zone altogether. Ideally, it would not be possible to get all three signatures within 24 hours without devoting significant resources. Such as:

  1. Sending the physical document to all three locations to obtain their individual signatures; or
  2. Getting the first signature and sending scanned copies to the other individuals and scanning their signed versions in turn; or
  3. Finding alternate signatories

All of the above are time-consuming and difficult to pull off, given the time restraint in the business environment we work today

With DrySign's electronic signature platform, it is possible to get all three signatures within a few hours. All it would need is an internet-enabled digital device.

Key Features

DrySign lets you create your custom signatures and allows you to sign documents with just a single click of a button. You can keep track of your documents while ensuring the highest security with industry-standard encryption.

You can also set a priority order for signatories; the document is sent for signatures to each person as per the required level of hierarchy using the Group Sign feature.

With its intuitive user interface, you can prepare large documents such as service agreements or policies using a simple drag-and-drop feature that makes it easy to place signature fields in precise locations.

Key Benefits

  • DrySign eliminates the need for printing documents for signatures, thus reducing your spend on paper
  • Document signatures can be obtained in minutes and require no physical intervention
  • All documents are encrypted and cannot be read without proper access credentials

DrySign's electronic signature solution, not only reduces time and effort, but also transforms the way document management processes are managed.

Try DrySign for free now!

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