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Move towards a better and sustainable future with e-signatures.

On World Oceans Day, Drive the Change with E-signatures!

Pooja Patil

Oceans cover 71% of our planet's surface. Oceans are crucial for the sustenance of livelihood, and it is the collective responsibility of every business and every individual to heal the very damage we have inflicted on Mother Nature. Human beings are moving at a superfast pace towards advancements and innovations. These very innovations have now unambiguously proven that the oceans run our climate system by regulating temperatures and driving weather patterns. It is evident that similar to the sun, our oceans act as the primary source that feeds the lakes, rivers, streams, and rainforests – all of which are sustainable sources imperative for life on the earth. Here are a few latest statistics on how our oceans are vital:

  • Oceans hold 97% of water available on Planet Earth.
  • Marine plants contribute 50% of the oxygen we need to breathe.
  • The ocean is the world’s most significant economic asset, estimated to be worth $24 trillion.

We know how valuable the ocean is to us. Let us now glance at the unprecedented damage we have caused to our oceans:

  • Every year, over 100 million marine animals lose their lives due to the smallest plastic waste particles.
  • Around 60% of seabird species are forecasted to have eaten pieces of plastic, and the number is to increase to 99% by 2050.
  • Fish residing in the North Pacific ingest 12,000-24,000 tons of plastic each year, which is likely to cause intestinal injury and death. The waste particles are transferred to human bodies through the food chain and can be life-threatening.
  • Over 800 marine and coastal species are affected by underwater pollution.
  • Around 11 million tons of plastic waste ends up in oceans annually, anticipated to triple by 2040.

Experts say the world population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, which means we need more food sources. The ocean is one of the most significant sources of food for the livelihood of the earth. However, the toxins and chemicals released in this precious life source by us continue to bio accumulate up the food chain, increasing concentration with each predator, finally reaching us at the top of the food chain.

The average global seafood consumption has increased by around 20.5k kilograms per capita.

Scientists worldwide have predicted that healthier oceans can provide six times more food than they do today. There are countless studies and scientific predictions that demonstrate that human-induced ocean warming is increasing the sea level, already wreaking havoc on coastal and inland communities.

Day by day and year after year, these disturbing facts are becoming common knowledge and urge us to look for new ways of ocean conservation. World Oceans Day is around the corner. The theme for 2022, “Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean”, focuses on protecting at least 30% of our blue planet by 2030. With the focus on Environment Health, it is also an apt occasion to contribute to the betterment of nature.

What Do Businesses Have To Do With Ocean Protection?

Every business directly or indirectly affects the ocean. In fact, over 80% of ocean pollution is caused by land-based activities. Whether you are a Banking and Insurance Firm or a Fashion Store, a few unavoidable activities make you a contributor to the slow destruction of our oceans. Unfortunately, some ordinary, conventional methods, such as the use of pen, paper, ink, folders, plastic, etc., are so ingrained in the way we do business that most times, we are unaware of the impact we have. It also makes us question that do global businesses not care about the planet, or is it the profit and loss that is the cause of the ignorance? And, what if there were truly more affordable options that allowed businesses to be more eco-friendly?

Things are changing, however! Consumer behavior is changing rapidly, with the average consumer looking for sustainable goods, and companies looking to function in the greenest way possible. This has, naturally, forced corporations to respond. Not just in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, fashion, and food sectors but even in banking, insurance, finance, and other essential industries. Today’s customer prefers to take their business to a company that is more tuned to the environment and is willing to make little tweaks to do their bit.

The Economist Intelligence Unit recently released a study showing that issues of nature loss and biodiversity are gaining more traction online than ever before—and that an eco-wakening is underway.

With the knowledge that the consumer prefers an environment-friendly business and the possibility of a higher profit if you go green, a business can make small changes to the way they work – changes that may seem insignificant but have a significant impact on business and the environment.

4 Ways Businesses Can Contribute to a Better and Healthier Ocean

  • Go Paperless

The increasing temperatures of the ocean and the melting of the Arctic are global problems. It is a challenging task to halt this climate change completely, but not contributing to it is the least we can do for the health of our oceans. According to the environmental advocacy group The World Counts, the global production of paper and cardboard amounted to 420,000,000 tons of carbon in 2021. This year alone, 175,328,429 tons of paper have been produced globally. If every organization decided to go paperless and use digital documents, can you imagine the direct impact we could have on the environment?

It is estimated that e-signing documents can save 837 tons of paper per year!

  • Skip single-use plastic

Plastic waste is the new cancer of the ocean. Single-use plastic used in businesses, such as pens, refills, files, plastic bags, folders, and many more, can destroy ecosystems and jeopardize marine life. Items like pens and refills contain toxic materials such as lead, which ends up in landfills, waterways, rivers, and oceans, causing unprecedented damage to aquatic life. Since this single-use plastic is not biodegradable it takes more than 1,000 years to decompose. If swallowed by a sea creature, the plastic is re-released back into the ocean after the creature is dead and decomposed. In this way, the material continues harming more wildlife for hundreds of years.

Over 8 million tons of plastic are emptied into the ocean each year.

Once again, using digital documents and e-signatures can help you drastically reduce the amount of single-use plastic used in daily workflows: no pens, no refills, no plastic folders, and no printing cartridges. You can create, sign, and manage electronic documents from anywhere, anytime, on any device, without the need for pen and paper.

  • Reduce Fuel Consumption

How much fuel would you save if you just signed that company document online instead of driving down to your partner’s office? Food for thought, isn’t it?

According to a survey, the ocean has absorbed 90% of the excess heat created by burning fossil fuels. This not only led to the bleaching of coral reefs but also changed weather events, sped up sea-level rise, and changed the way marine species reproduce. Going digital would not only reduce the need to travel and transport, but it will also drastically reduce the need for storage space. For example, instead of printing an entire 13-page agreement or contract, you can easily send it via an e-signature platform and have it saved online for instant access.

Also Read :  ‘Invest In Our Planet’ by Embracing E-signatures!

  • Get Involved

Your business can get involved in several ways to promote strategies that can prove beneficial in the fight to restore our oceans. Contact your local authorities and educate yourself and your teams to be more ocean-responsible. You can also request your partners, co-workers, and clients to choose eco-friendly ways of doing business by choosing e-signatures, digital documents, energy efficiency, etc.

Small, effective changes in your business can help you establish your company’s pledge to sustainability without sacrificing your profits. In fact, going digital can help you save more!

Start DrySigning!

If every business starts supporting and contributing to ocean health, we can collectively move towards building a sustainable future. Working towards a healthier ocean is not only good for the flora and fauna beneath the water, but also for the rest of us living on the planet. This World Oceans Day, let’s drive the change we want to see. Going paperless is challenging but not impossible! Many organizations have already incorporated e-signatures and have begun seeing results! If you still have questions about e-signatures, feel free to connect with us. Go Digital and do your part. Start DrySigning today!

Sources: eiuperspectives.economist.com | forbes.com

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