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E-signatures: A Solution to Streamline the Supply Chain in Logistics

Vijith Menon
Logistics is the bloodline of any major organization looking to trade goods faster and reach customers quickly. In an age dominated by e-commerce, speed is of the essence. The…

How Electronic Signatures Power up the Automotive Sector

Vijith Menon
The automotive sector has prided itself on delivery. When customers needed petrol cars, the automobile sector delivered. When they required audio systems, the industry delivered.…

How Digital Signatures Make your Hybrid Workforce Efficient

Vijith Menon
In 2023, remote work is not unusual for employees. The pandemic forced organizations to revamp their workflows almost overnight. As it stands, the stability brought into the lives…

How eSignatures can Accelerate Growth for Enterprises

Vijith Menon
Enterprises have always relied on paper documents for conducting daily business. However, procuring business documents can be a tricky affair. It includes checking for any errors…

Ways e-signatures are transforming the insurance industry

Pooja Patil
Over the last few years, the insurance industry has demonstrated incredible adaptability and resilience. With digital technologies expanding at the speed of light, carriers have…

How eSignatures Enable Remote Work to be a Success

Vijith Menon
The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have exacted a heavy toll on employers, upending the usual methods of working and conducting business. Companies had to change their…