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5 Great Tips to Create Professional Invoices with eSignatures

Pooja Patil
The gig economy is all the hype – it is foreseen to reach 455.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. In a gig economy, people work in temporary or part-time positions or as independent…

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Adopting eSignatures

Vijith Menon
Traditional signatures have dominated business spaces as an official form of consent before entering into agreements or partnerships. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has…

Top Ways E-signatures Help Boost Customer Experience

Pooja Patil
First studied in the 1960s, Customer experience – or – CX, as it is known today, has come a long way. Deep-seated into the bedrock of modern business, it results from the…

Traveling? Check out these solutions that keep your workflows on the move!

Pooja Patil
In 2020, total global business travel expenses were reduced by 52%, while managed corporate-travel spending in the United States plummeted to 71%. Much has changed since then. 67.…

E-signatures to Help HR Teams Improve Efficiency

Vijith Menon
The Great Resignation or the mass exodus wherein employees voluntarily resigned in higher-than-ever numbers, started around early 2021. This was and continues to be the effect of…

eSignatures to Project Management: 6 Best Software for Freelancers in 2022

Pooja Patil
In a world full of cutting-edge technologies, sensational innovations, artistic tools, and intelligent applications, we are forgetting to talk about the artisans behind those…