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Improve Team Collaboration with the Help of eSignatures

Vijith Menon
Coordination in the face of sudden challenges such as lockdowns or social distancing can make or break a team. The word “collaboration” has become a bit of a corporate buzzword,…

DrySign 2.0 | E-signatures for the future

Avantika Joglekar
In a world that's increasingly moving towards digitalization, electronic signatures (e-signatures) have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. They offer a…

Which Industries Must Use Digital Signature Solutions and Why?

Pooja Patil
Digital signature technology has been around since the start of the new millennium. In 2000, the United States passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act…

6 Trailblazing Women Who Signed Their Way to the Top

Vijith Menon
The higher up the ‘corporate ladder’ you go, the fewer women in leadership roles there are - Mercer Women are trailblazers in every field they have chosen to pursue. From…

The Role of Digital Signatures in Behavioral Healthcare

Pooja Patil
The concept of telehealth has grown by leaps and bounds in recent times. It all started in early 1955 when two psychiatrists developed a telemedicine studio, enabling them to…

Prevent Signature Forgery with DrySign Digital Signatures

Vijith Menon
A signature is a sign of consent or approval of the user's intent on a document. Despite the digitalization of various systems and processes, signatures still hold significant…