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Digital Signatures in Foreign Trade

DrySign Author
Since the legalization of digital signatures, we have seen a significant reduction of paperwork and enhanced streamlining of document signing processes worldwide. Organizations,…

Celebrating E-sign Day with DrySign

DrySign Author
On June 30th, 2000, President Bill Clinton signed the ESIGN Act, legalizing digital signatures in the USA. This was the spark that initiated the wave of digitization, which is…

What You Should Be Looking for in a Digital Signature Provider

DrySign Author
We, as humans, are obsessed with choice. Ever since our days of hunter-gathering, we have been hardwired to pick only the best of what is available. Our survival instincts were…

Signing a Contract While Intoxicated: The Legal Perspective

DrySign Author
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you accidentally signed a contract under the influence of alcohol? Would the contract still be valid? The answer is a bit tricky.…

How to Deal with Signature Forgery?

DrySign Author
Picture yourself enjoying your day-off or a vacation, and suddenly you find out that your signature is being used to sign up for a policy, sign off a QA report for the pilot batch…

Going Green with Digital Signatures

DrySign Author
The world produces 300 million tons of paper annually, out of which 45% ultimately ends up in the trash! But the future need not be laden with massive heaps and landfills of paper…