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The ESIGN Act and the UETA under the Microscope

DrySign Author
Regulations like the ESIGN act (The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act) and the UETA (The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act) in the USA have helped other…

Signature Forgery - Enhancing Transparency and Security with Digital Signatures

DrySign Author
Digital signatures have sparked a revolution since the development of the RSA algorithm (named after its inventors – Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman) in 1977. RSA went…

Digital Signature Laws around the World

DrySign Author
Digital transformation is an inevitable, unstoppable phenomenon. The path to a smarter, greener, and efficient tomorrow is paved using technology. As a result, the entire world…

Digital Signature Software - 6 Questions You Didn’t Think to Ask

DrySign Author
Digital signatures have been around for a while and continue to evolve. Looking at the growing usage of e-signatures, just in 2020, the global digital signature market size…

3 Reasons Why Law Firms Need Digital Signatures

DrySign Author
Law firms and legal departments sit centrally when it comes to mergers and acquisitions. According to a research by Forrester, 73% of the responding organizations handle over 500…

Digital Healthcare with Electronic Signatures

DrySign Author
Even some of the most advanced and state-of-the-art hospitals armed with the latest medical tech fail to deliver the experience that the patients might come to expect. Especially…